Day to Day Counter

Calculate the number of days between two dates

Count days from a date
How to use the calculate days between dates

This day counter helps you calculate the number of days between two dates. Here's how to use it:

  1. Select dates: Use the calendar dropdowns to choose your start and end dates. You can also quickly set either date to today using the "Today" button.
  2. Include end day: Check the box if you want to include the end date in the calculation. For example, if you're counting days until a deadline that's due at the end of the day.
  3. Calculate: Click the "Calculate" button to see the result.
  4. View result: The calculation will show the number of days between your selected dates, including the day names.

Common uses include:

  • Counting down to events or holidays
  • Calculating project timelines
  • Determining days since past events
  • Planning future dates